Employee Demotivation
Employee Demotivation
Business Rumors

Causes of employee demotivation

The key to success in any organization is employee’s motivation. Typically, employees are the driving force of the company. Employees especially in the marketing department, find it hard to remain motivated for a long time due to the nature of the work they do. Complaints from customers and especially the nagging ones and other obstacles make these employees vulnerable to demotivation. You will find these people leaving the organization once they are unable to handle the pressure.

In all aspects of life, everyone needs motivation. Motivation is the key to a cheerful and fruitful organization. It plays a more significant role in employees’ quality, productivity, and work speed. These factors are primarily affected when employees lack motivation. On the contrary, demotivation is contagious. One employee who is demotivated can successfully succeed in demotivating others. Organizations are vulnerable to the risk of demotivation at all times. So, it’s essential to be informed about demotivation, recognize and handle it without delay. Some of the causes of employee’s demotivation may include:

Feeling Under Valued

Employees will begin losing their commitment and dedication if they feel that their efforts are not being recognized and appreciated. It is imperative to always give credit and celebrate success where due. Try to make sure that you reward achievements accomplished by employees. Little recognition can make all the difference in how an employee feels about their role. Take it literally and you will see human beings love appreciation and will push themselves even more if their efforts are recognized.

Poor Leadership

Effective leadership plays a huge part in the motivation of staff. Employees will feel demoralized if there is weak leadership which negatively affects the team’s outlook. If mediocre workers get the same treatment as high-yielding employees, you expect these high-yielding employees to feel demotivated. Leaders must have a workable, all-inclusive approach to managing a team and clearly communicate with the team while instilling focus and confidence. Poor management may be a reason for the lack of motivation of some individuals.


It is hazardous to have conflict in the organization. Healthy debate is very fruitful, but you should keep an eye on any kind of bullying or intimidation. It may be hard for an employee to come out clear about an issue relating to his colleague, resulting in demotivation. In such cases, an anonymous employee may help reveal such problems.

Unrealistic Workload

It is important to keep realistic demands and expectations to your employees. If an employee feels overwhelmed by a large, impossible workload – they can soon be stressed, discouraged, and lose motivation. Equally, if the task is too light or not enough varied, they might quickly lose interest.

Job Insecurity

When employees are not guaranteed their job security, they will always have an exit plan. They will only work without any motivation to get paid as they look elsewhere. The rest of their energy will be spent updating their resumes, sharing rumors with their colleagues as they plan their next move. As a leader, you should communicate regularly with your team and give them a sense of trust and loyalty.

Lack of Progress

Employees need to feel that their work matters. When an idea or a change that an employee tries to implement goes through endless scrutinization, they will lose hope or any motivation they had. Unnecessary rules such as restrictive office hours, internet usage, or vacation policies are extreme and don’t benefit the company in any way. They make employees feel controlled and inefficient hence losing motivation.

Poor Communication

How you communicate with your employees is one of the greatest motivating or demotivating factors. Employees lose their morale when they realize important information and decision are being kept out of them. It is also crucial how communication is delivered. Communication should not be one way. If communication is only top-down with a slight possibility of any feedback, employees will feel very inconsequential. Managers should be ready to listen to issues raised by employees and offer them feedback.

Unpleasant Co-workers

Some employees are motivated to work daily because of their co-workers. A well-paying job with a group of backstabbing employees will create misery and stress for an employee. It is essential to work with people you like. It boosts your satisfaction, and you are likely to engage fully in your work. Your colleagues don’t have to be your best friend, but you should be able to relax around them and enjoy their company.

Managers have a particular responsibility for the well-being and motivation of their employees. For a team to be productive, all members should be fully committed and motivated. Different things drive motivation to other people. That is why employers should listen and respond to employees’ needs, to ensure that they are committed to their work. Recognizing and addressing early signs of employee demotivation can help encourage and retain talent in the organization.

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